The Cornerstone Learning Cloud optimizes your talent by delivering highly targeted, highly customizable training of any kind. This means instead of randomly assigned learning initiatives, your training will actively address identified competency and skill gaps, driving organizational productivity and efficiency. We also know that compliance risk is real. The Learning Cloud includes tools to manage any kind of one-time or recurring certification or licensing requirements.
Learn more about how Cornerstone can help your organization get the most out of its human capital and realize a rapid return on investment when it comes to learning management.
Our Learning Content Management System (LCMS) allows you to publish and deploy media-rich content. Pre-loaded templates as well as test, assessment and collaboration tools allow you to design and deliver courses without prior programming knowledge.
Instructor-led training guarantees that your workforce gains knowledge and insight in a face-to-face, collaborative setting. Instructor-led training not only increases employee engagement through blended learning, but also organizations get the most out of their employee development plans.
Cornerstone delivers a complete business social networking and employee collaboration platform. This includes communities of practice, rich user profiles, expertise location, tag clouds, status updates, live feed views, rating/sharing content, knowledge management, blogs, podcasts, RSS feeds, and more.
Cornerstone Compliance solutions automate the administration and oversight of compliance management processes to ensure your organization's in line with the latest regulatory requirements. Our Compliance module provides clear, real-time visibility into your company’s regulatory activities, minimizing associated risk while transforming an administrative nightmare into a significant opportunity for cost savings and improved business outcomes.